


Winners Roll






Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award


Open to all qualified students from ALL groups!! Now Accepting Applications!


Click here for the Taiwan Culture Center Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award flyer
for the application form in PDF.

Online application is recommended. Click here to submit application online.

Application deadline is April 24, 2023 (postmarked).



 Last updated: February 28, 2023


The Taiwan Culture Center (TCC) of Washington DC area is very pleased to announce that 17 outstanding seniors from high schools in the Maryland and Virginia have been awarded the “2010 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award”: 


Miss Gabrielle Cazeau   Atholton High School

Miss Julie K. Cheng       Richard Montgomery High School

Mr. Jeffrey Chien           Winston Churchill High School

Miss Kendall Crouther    Chantilly High School

Mr. Nitesh Donti            Northwest High School

Miss Jennifer Fink         Winston Churchill High School

Miss Molly A. Gift         Westfield High School

Miss Kamaria Greenfield            Benjamin Banneker Academic HS

Miss Kristina Hsieh        Gaithersburg High School

Miss Su Hyun Kim         Thomas Jefferson HS

Mr. Ethan F. McLeod     Herndon High School

Mr. Kristofer Monson     Robinson High School

Miss Jessica R. Moy     Gaithersburg High School

Mr. Hubert Shiau           Thomas S. Wootton HS

Miss Lauren Song         Walt Whitman High School

Mr. Ian Stanchi  Robinson High School

Mr. Charles Yeh Lake Braddock High School



The Taiwan Culture Center (TCC) of Washington DC area is very pleased to announce that 16 outstanding seniors from high schools in the Maryland and Virginia have been awarded the “2009 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award”:        


Miss Melissa E. Alba

James W. Robinson Secondary School

Mr. Ryan M. Bercaw

Gaithersburg High School

Mr. Gregory G. Callas 

Westfield High School

Miss En-Chi Chang

Winston Churchill High School

Miss Celia R. Dubroof

Gaithersburg High School

Miss Ithi H. Joshi

Chantilly High School

Mr. Matthew L. Litton

Chantilly High School

Mr. Joshua M. Oppenheimer

Winston Churchill High School

Miss Christine R. Peng

Thomas S. Wootton High School

Miss Clarke S. Randolph

Benjamin Banneker Academic High School

Miss Sneha Ryali

Centreville High School

Miss Ravneet K. Singh

Herndon High School

Mr. Andrew M. Taverner

Tuscarora High School

Mr. Soham Trivedi

James W. Robinson Secondary School

Miss Ping T. Yeh

Centennial High School

Miss Alice T. Zic

Quince Orchard High School


The award ceremony was held as a part of “The Spirit of Formosa” music concert on Friday May 29, 2009 at 7:00PM in the Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center in Montgomery College (51 Mannakee Street Rockville, MD 20850).  


Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award is open for all graduating seniors in area’s high school to apply. 


The deadline is usually in early April each year. If you are interested, please email to for more details.



Minze V. Chien, Ph.D.

Chairman, Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award Committee

The Taiwan Culture Center


Tai L. Huang, Ph.D.

President, The Taiwan Culture Center


Pictures taken at the ceremony:




華府台灣文化中心將於 台灣曲之夜





華府台灣文化中心舉辦的一年一度的台美人社區獎學金(Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award)開放給所有高中四年級學生申請今年結果已出恭喜以下九位高中生得獎:Mr. Allen Yang and Miss Sheena M. Austria (Winston Churchill High School); Miss Mindy Lin and Mr. Yujie Yang (Thomas S. Wootton High School); Miss Fannie Jou (Richard Montgomery High School); Miss Kelly James (Oakton High School); Mr. Yuan Zhou (Robinson Secondary School – High); Miss Elizabeth Walker and Mr. Jake R. Bartlett (Westfield High School). 頒獎典禮將於一年一度的音樂會 -台灣曲之夜』舉行。將邀請得獎人與親友、高中校方主管參與頒獎典禮及音樂會。


華府台灣文化中心為配合『台美人傳統週』Taiwanese American Heritage Week,特別將一年一度的音樂會 - 台灣曲之夜訂在五月十九日星期六晚上七點在馬州的Quince Orchard High School (15800 Quince Orchard Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878) 舉行。


華府台灣文化中心每年固定舉辦音樂會,除了讓愛樂的同鄉可以不用進城到甘迺迪中心,就可以欣賞到同樣等級的音樂外,文化中心也利用音樂會,介紹來自台灣的傑出音樂家。今年台灣文化中心除了請到大家熟悉的『浮生樂坊』班底 – 林宜誠及陳慧如外,也請到在二二八音樂會讓大家驚豔的小提琴家 余道昌和他的伴奏伍癸怡。道昌剛贏得 ”Rising Star Award at Howard County Arts Council's Celebration of the Arts”比賽的首獎The Baltimore Sun 還特別為他寫了一長篇的報導。另外台灣文化中心也請了幾位新秀,她們都是來自台灣的音樂家,也都是馬大的音樂博士。邱穎婷將為大家吹奏巴松笛 (Bassoon) ;曾加宜將演奏大提琴以及陳奕伶的鋼琴演奏。今年文化中心還特地為小朋友請到他們熟悉的的小小音樂家 宋嘉予 (Lauren Soong) 演奏小提琴




音樂會的票價每張二十元正在熱賣中,購票請打電話給文化中心理事:黃泰郎 (301-983-1861) ;柯耀庭 (301-469-9270) ;吳倍茂 (703-503-8187) ;黃慶三 (301-217-9384) ;簡明子 (301-251-9031)


音樂會的門票收入全數做為台灣文化中心建館費用台灣文化中心建館工程雖然艱鉅 但是深具意義。 文化中心非常歡迎更多各地熱心的鄉親來參與、支持這個非常有意義的工作,共襄盛舉,希望大家做陣來打拼,慷慨解囊,以便早日募足資金,完成大家所期待的台灣文化中心的擴建會館工作。所有捐款可享免稅 (CFC #7716)文化中心設有永久會員辦法,您若捐款總額超過五千元,即自動成為永久會員,享有多重福利,包括您的大名將鐫刻在新建會館中,名留千秋萬世 (目前已有40多戶永久會員)