2008 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award Recipients

(In alphabetic order)


Yvonne Chen


Yvonne Chen, a senior at Westfield High School, has been contributing to the community all her life through her musical talents. She has won numerous awards from national and international piano competitions, allowing her to perform at venues such as the Warner Theatre and the U.S. State Department. Chen has used her talents to accompany her school's five choirs as well as the community HaiTien Chorus, perform for and accompany a church service at Reston Manor Care, and teach beginner students on piano and flute.   Aside from her musical achievements, Chen has been able to succeed academically, being on the Summa Cum Laude honor roll all four years and serving as the Community Editor for her school's nationally acclaimed yearbook, The Guardian.  Having travelled to New York weekly for Julliard’s Pre-College Division the past two years, Chen has decided to continue her studies at The Juilliard School to get a Bachelors of Music in piano performance. There she hopes she will be able to grow in her playing so that she can reach out to more people.


Tiffany Chu


Tiffany Chu’s three passions in life are science, art, and music.  In this past year, she participated in the Howard Hughes Biomedical Program and studied, at NICHD (National Institutes of Child Health and Development), the causes of uterine fibroid growth and development.  At the end of the program, she published an abstract on whether this certain enzyme plays a role in fibroid growth.  She has also participated in a variety of other science related activities such as the Fun with DNA program in middle school, Science Montgomery, and multiple Science Inquiry Conferences.  In the area of art, she is a sculptor, with her medium being clay.  During her sophomore year, she founded the Quince Orchard Art Club, and in her junior year, became the secretary of the National Honors Art Society.  Finally, her love for music pushed her to continue playing piano for the past twelve years.  She likes to perform for others, and so, every now and then, plays for the elderly at the Asbury Nursing Home.  Other organizations that she is participant of include the drama club, Mu Alpha Theta, CAPSA (Chinese American Parent and Student Association), Shady Grove Junior Volunteer Program, and National Honors Society.  She hopes to continue pursuing her passions in the University of Virginia, where she will be attending this fall.


Joanna Cornell


Joanna Cornell is a bubbly, optimistic girl who is passionate about life.  She currently attends Thomas S. Wootton High School, where she is the Captain of the Mock Trial Team and President of the Spanish Honor Society and the Foundation for the Children of Atyrá, and also plays important roles in activities such as Model UN, National Honor Society, National Science Honor Society, and Student Homeroom Advisory Promotes Excellence.  Ever since she was little, Joanna has been actively playing the piano, and loves it.  On the weekends, she can often be found volunteering for the local historical society, campaigning, or working at her two jobs.  She loves politics and has spent her last two summers on Capitol Hill, serving as an intern and page.  This year, she also had the opportunity to serve as a page in the Maryland Senate, a very different experience from serving in the national legislature, but equally exciting.  Joanna is ecstatic about attending Yale University this fall, and would like to thank her wonderful family for always supporting her.




Dara Downs


Dara Downs is very honored to have been chosen to receive the Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award. Dara is a senior at Robinson Secondary School in Fairfax, Virginia. She is a member of the National Honor Society and has received multiple all A and A/B Honor Roll recognitions. She was also a Captain of the field hockey team and a member of the track and soccer teams. She is strongly involved at her church where she is a member of the leadership team. Dara’s favorite community projects were The Appalachian Service Project in West Virginia/Kentucky and The Jeremiah Project in Southern Virginia. Dara has attended these home repair focused projects every summer since she was in seventh grade. While in high school, Dara earned her Silver Award, through Girl Scouting, by organizing and leading community service projects with the local middle school youth group at Fairfax United Methodist Church. Dara will be attending Wake Forest University as she looks to further her education. She would like to thank God for his continual blessings, her parents, her brother, her friends and the Taiwanese American Community Award Committee for selecting her for this award.





Jessica Jang


Jessica Jang is currently a senior at Winston Churchill High School.  In school, she actively participates in the many clubs and programs Churchill has to offer.  Throughout high school, Jessica has been a member of the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts and the National Honors Society.  She was Vice President of Code Pink, Future Business Leaders of America, and is now Co-President of Club Friendship.  Through these organizations, she has helped raised money for the disaster relief of Katrina and gave dinner to the less fortunate on Thanksgiving.  Even as a freshman at Churchill, as part of a member of SAJE, she presented information on the Chinese Holocaust to juniors and seniors of her school.  Outside of school, Jessica is a very committed violin and piano player.  Ever since fifth grade, she has participated in state competitions for both instruments.  She was a finalist in the Chinese International Competition for the piano, and a third place winner in the Gottlieb Competition.  She has also been a member of the Maryland Classical Youth Orchestra since 7th grade.  In the fall, she will be attending Emory College of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.  She hopes to study business and attend Goizueta Business School in the future. 



Manjot Kaur Jassal


Manjot Kaur Jassal was born in Fairfax Virginia in 1990 and is currently a senior at James W. Robinson Secondary School. She is compassionate, morally driven, intellectually hungry, and hugely talented across a tremendously wide array of scholastic and personal interests.


She is one of the very most ‘textured’ and high profile students within the entire student body, and her truly outstanding list of scholastic, extracurricular, and  community affiliated accomplishments are based upon a character set of integrity and honor. Manjot is a member in good standing of National, Math, and Spanish Honor Societies together with inclusion in the National Society of High School Scholars; and she has won a host of academic excellence awards ranging from nationally sanctioned business competitions to prestigious State Science Fairs. 


Within the school she has taken on, and flourished, in the important work needed to lead various extracurricular clubs and societies such as the Minority Students of Robinson where she currently holds the title of President. She has organized walks for multiple sclerosis, conducted food drives for local shelters, raised awareness for Black History Month with media campaigns, and volunteered her valuable time at a range of hospitals and religious organizations.


Manjot plans on pursuing her education at Howard University where she has been accepted into a 6 year BS/MD program with scholarship. Her parents and younger sister, Harleen, are extremely proud and look forward to see this compassionate young woman evolve into a passionate medical professional.




Michael Schwartz


Michael Schwartz is a senior at Walter Johnson High School.  At WJ, Michael has been very involved in student government, serving as Sophomore Class President, Junior Class President, and SGA President.  He has loved serving the school and community, whether it has been organizing school events or leading fundraisers.  Michael is a part of the APEX Scholars Program, was a Maryland Distinguished Scholar Semi-Finalist, a National Merit Commended Scholar, and an AP Scholar with Distinction.  Michael has played on the Varsity golf team since his sophomore year, and was a starter for the past two years.  He has also enjoyed serving as the Peer Mediation President, tutoring at Farmland Elementary School, and interning at Management Systems International, an international development firm based in DC.  Michael is also proud to have won the “Stock Market Game,” and hopes to study economics and government next year.  Michael is excited to attend Dartmouth College in the fall.




Maninder Sohi



Maninder Sohi is a senior at Centreville High School in Clifton, Virginia. Maninder participates in numerous extracurricular activities including being an active member of the Science, Social Studies, Business and National Honor Societies. Additionally, she is a committed volunteer at INOVA Fair Oaks Hospital. She has been a member of the varsity tennis team for the past three years and was co-captain her senior year. Last summer, she attended Governor’s School for Agriculture, a unique research experience she will never forget. Aside from academics, she enjoys reading, traveling, playing tennis, and spending time with friends. Maninder will be attending the University of Virginia this coming fall.






Jiyeon Son


Jiyeon Son is currently a senior at Thomas S. Wootton high school. As a motivated and active student, Jiyeon loves to get involved in various activities in the community. She is the president of the school’s debate team, as well as a leader in Patriot Ambassadors, Science National Honors Society, and Chemathon. Her community service includes volunteering at a local hospital, Teen Court, and her church. She also loves to play the flute and participates in several orchestras. Every summer, Jiyeon is given a priceless opportunity to go on a church missions trip to Mexico, where she performs community service in blighted villages. In addition to the missions trips, Jiyeon works at the National Institutes of the Health as a summer intern, which has proven to be one of the most valuable learning experiences of her life.


Jiyeon is excited to head off to Brown University next fall. She truly appreciates the support and encouragement from her family and friends because she could not have come this far without them!



Arjun Srinivas


Arjun Srinivas is currently a senior in the International Baccalaureate Program at Richard Montgomery High School. He has dedicated much of his time to helping and teaching others in the school community, and has established a tutoring organization called the Peer Mentoring Club which he has led for 3 years. In past summers, he has volunteered as a counselor for local day camps and has interned in an educational branch of the Smithsonian Mueseum. Additionally, Arjun has played varsity lacrosse for two years and is an active member of the National History Club. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, travelling, playing sports, watching movies, playing poker, and sleeping.


Arjun is excited to attend Duke University next year, and hopes to major in physics and economics. In the future, he hopes to continue helping others through tutoring and mentoring programs





Lillian Tsai


Lillian Tsai is a senior at Winston Churchill High School who loves to travel, eat, and talk to her friends. This year she started taking dance classes and absolutely loves it. She plays cello in MCYO and formed a musical group that performs at local senior homes. She also volunteers regularly at the Washington DC Taiwanese Language School. Last summer she interned at MedImmune and her sophomore summer she conducted a research experiment at the National Institutes of Health. Her project won second place at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, which was one of the best weeks of her life.


She is president of Biology Club and Science Honor Society. She is also a member of the English, French, Math, and National Honor Societies. Lillian's favorite class this year is AP Literature and wants to say that her teacher, Mrs. Goodwin, is amazing. Lillian is looking forward to going to Taiwan, China, and Japan this summer and spending the last few weeks with her friends and family. She will be majoring in molecular biology with a certificate in creative writing at Princeton University this fall.



Lina Yeh


DSC_3759Lina Yeh attends Oakton High School in Vienna, VA, and has been active in her school as well as in her community. At Oakton, Lina serves as the President of National Honor Society and Secretary of History Honor Society. In addition to Math Honor Society and French Honor Society, Lina participates in Science Olympiad, and has competed at the State Competition for two years. In addition to school clubs, Lina is a Captain of the Varsity Tennis Team, and helped her team earn the Concorde District Champion title. She will be competing at Regionals. Music is also another one of Lina’s passions. Having played the piano for 13 years and the violin for 8 years, Lina is currently in the Chamber Orchestra of Oakton High School. In her 13th year of Girl Scouts, Lina has earned several service awards, including the Silver Award and the Silver Trefoil. Through Girl Scouts, Lina has learned the value of community service. Lina has served as a National Delegate to the National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, volunteered as a Congressional Aide, and has served as an Association Delegate for three years. Lina would like to thank her parents, brother, Mrs. Kendrick, and Mrs. Reiners who have supported and helped her to earn the Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award.. Lina is excited to attend College of William and Mary next year.